Завантаження власних шрифтів на електронну книгу PocketBook з MacПеревірено на PocketBook 634 Verse Pro.Jan 29Jan 29
Як додати графіки відключення світла у Львові в Календар? (оновлено 10 липня)Ви можете легко додати графіки погодинних відключень світла у місті Львові в Google Календар на Android чи Apple Календар на iPhone.Jun 22, 2024Jun 22, 2024
Solution: .webp images are not loaded in Google Chrome from a CDN subdomainYou have a web site with the domain example.org. Images are loaded through Cloudflare CDN with the subdomain cdn.example.org.Jan 23, 2024Jan 23, 2024
Resolve “Could not dump table because of following FrozenError can’t modify frozen String: “false”You will not see the following error in your schema.rb file anymore when you run rails db:migrate.Oct 30, 2023Oct 30, 2023
How to delete Dialogflow agent if it is not listed?If you are trying to delete the Google Cloud project, and seeing the error which says you already have an active Dialogflow agent, you will…Apr 20, 2023Apr 20, 2023
Fix missing icons in Active Admin’s Bootstrap skinIf you’re experiencing missing icons in the Active Bootstrap skin for Active Admin in a Ruby on Rails application, then you’re not alone.Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
Fix error `gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure` on UbuntuIn your command replace hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net with keyserver.ubuntu.com .Aug 30, 2022Aug 30, 2022
Wrap a table row with a Turbo Frame tag in RailsIt’s impossible to wrap tr with turbo_frame tag in HTML.Jun 22, 2022Jun 22, 2022
Validate and Fix Phone Number with JavaScriptThere is a standard for the phone number called ‘E.164’.Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022